Prevention of dry eye is key, and this is why at Vaughan Vision Centre, our team goes beyond and above to assist and educate our patients at each visit so to prevent dry eye. When a patient receives a diagnosis of dry eye, we strive to provide effective treatment options to help reduce symptoms.
LipiFlow® uses heat and a massaging pressure on the inner eyelids to remove blockages from the meibomian glands. LipiFlow® is a quick 12 minute procedure that is conveniently performed in clinic. The treatment uses activators that generate a rhythm of intense heat using Vectored Thermal Pulsation. This combination of heat and massage allows for the natural oils of the tear film to be restored. After a LipiFlow® treatment, 4/5 of patients should see improvement in their dry eye.
Meibomian gland loss. Lipiflow has been shown to prevent meibomian gland loss.
Lipiflow Applicator
Most dry eye is caused by problems on the eyelid margin. Dirt, debris, and oil residue can cause the eyes to become irritated throughout the day. Our doctors perform a ZEST in-office cleaning and debridement of the eyelids to reduce inflammation around the eyes. We use Zocular products which contain unique okra-infused components that gently remove debris and dirt from the eyelids. Zocular products are also used to maintain the lids to prevent the inflammation from returning.
Autologous serum eye drops are drops created by a patient’s own plasma. They contain nourishing growth factors, proteints, lipids and antioxidants to help patients with very dry eyes.
Cleanse with Blephaclean and Blephagel
Preservative-Free artificial Tears
Bruder Moist Heat Compress
Most evaporative dry eye patients suffer from meibomian gland dysfunction. MGD affects 86% of patients with dry eye and occurs because of dysfunction or obstruction to the meibomian glands (the oily secreting gland). Oil is essential to tear production because it helps keep the tears from evaporating too fast and exposing the eye to foreign agents. If left untreated the eye becomes very dry, irritated and can lead to more serious conditions.
Factors that worsen MGD include:
We are proud to deliver industry-leading eye care to patients of all ages.